Think Global - Act Local - Go Green!
The world’s energy consumption has risen dramatically in every part of the world by the advancing industrialization during the last years. And the end is still not in sight. The demand of energy, especially in regions that are inprocess of growth, will continuously and rapidly increase. Additionally, the steadily growing world’s population will lead to an increasing energy consumption within the next decades by 70 to 100 percent.
The unstoppable grow of energy needs will be mainly covered by fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal. However, these resources do not last very much longer and become hard to calculate.
Solar Energy Power Plants “CSP or CPV Technology”
A parabolic through consists of a linear parabolic reflector that concentrates sun-light onto a receiver positioned along the reflector's focal line. The reflector follows the sun during the daylight hours by tracking along a single axis. The solar light is absorbed by the parabolic bended, single-axis reflectors and subsequently concentrated on the receiver-tube. As a direct result, the solar light tops the normal efficiency by 80.
Caused by the reflection, the solar energy turns into thermal energy. The heat transfer fluid (usually oil), which is flowing through the receiver tubes, is then heated by the sun and reaches a temperature of up to 395°C. Therefore, the solar energy reaches the block-unit powerstation as thermal energy, where it is transformed into electrical energy.
The Generating of Electricity is just the Beginning
The parabolic troughs firstly focus on electricity generating in sun intensive regions of our planet. But for the future we are striving for bigger aims, e.g.the production of drinkable water or refrigeration.
Our team’s main target is to catch and use the inexhaustible energy of the sun. According to experts the future chances ofsolar thermal power plant technology is enormous.
The steadily growing world’s population and the subsequently connected increase of energy need are leading into increases of tariffs for energy resources and energy itself. The focus concentrates on the demand of electricity. According to experts, the carbon dioxide, which isemitted by producing electricity, is the main reason for the greenhouse effectand the climate warming. Therefore, we have to reconsider rebuild our energy supply.
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Cooling
Up to 55 percent of the world’s energy consumption is caused by air-conditioning or refrigerators. However, the refrigeration is an important asset to improve the living conditions in sun intensive regions. Solar power plants with various and different capacities can be used beneficially and meaningfully to ensure the above mentioned comfort sustainable and long-termed.
Desalination of Sea Water and Water Treatment
In countries with high temperatures and several months of dry periods, drinking water is a very scarce good. Arid or remote regions can be supplied with drinking water by desalination of sea water or water-purification through solar thermal power plant technology which is a major factor for the social and agricultural structure.